The Mantras


My new mantra album


OM Bhagavan from the album Tribute

Falling Into Grace

Sanskrit Mantras for Yoga and Meditation

Kristian Cover final

Patita Pavana Sitaram – from the album Falling into Grace

Moments of Silence

A blend of songs and three Om Namah Shivaya Mantras

Moments of silence cover til itunes, kristian thorsager

Om Namah Shivaya II

Om Bhagavan Nityananda Bhagavan from the album “Tribute”.

A video of “Narayana”  –  from the album “Falling into Grace”.

2 Responses to The Mantras

  1. Thea says:

    Kristian, hello….
    Your music touches me so deeply, and some of the mantra’s are daily on repeat. Also I would like to support you by bying your CDs. Please can you burn them for me as well?
    1. “Falling into Grace” and 2. “Tribute”. I hope it can be so. With thanks for your gift and greetings, Thea (Netherlands) –

  2. Андрей says:

    Hi Christian.
    Wonderful performance. They have the power to immerse in and call bhava to God. The last time I was so amazed by Krishna Das was 18 years ago. I also sing mantras and bhajans. I wish you success in creativity and knowledge of God. Be happy! If you can tell me where you can download your albums Falling into Grace, Tribute,


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