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  1. Vi elsker din musik.
    Jeg vil gerne bede om musikken på CD tak

  2. Hassan Torabi says:

    Vi ønsker de 3 på CD` er hvis du kan brænde dem til os.
    På forhånd tak. Din musik betyder så meget for mange mennesker.
    Mvh Maj-Brit /Hassan

  3. Thea says:

    Kristian, hello….
    Your music touches me so deeply, and some of the mantra’s are daily on repeat. Also I would like to support you by bying your CDs. Please can you burn them for me as well?
    1. “Falling into Grace” and 2. “Tribute”. I hope it can be so. With thanks for your gift and greetings, Thea (Netherlands) –

  4. Maria says:


  5. Natascia says:

    I really like your music. italy

  6. Kerri Gibbs says:

    Kristian’s music and voice carries with it such devotion and love, clearly from the source within and his blessed experience.
    I am a portrait painter and many of my subjects require me to access that source. Kristian’s music and rendition of chants takes me there. I am very grateful for his inspired creations.

  7. Eduardo Drivon says:

    I hope that in some special place in your heart you feel the swell of recognition, that your music placed something good and worthwhile in the world. That, perhaps, you were the vehicle of a transmission of sounds that could be heard when we most need to feel joy, when we need connection with divine source, and especially when we doubt that the core of life is good. Namaste.

  8. Андрей says:

    Hi Christian.
    Wonderful performance. They have the power to immerse in and call bhava to God. The last time I was so amazed by Krishna Das was 18 years ago. I also sing mantras and bhajans. I wish you success in creativity and knowledge of God. Be happy! If you can tell me where you can download your albums Falling into Grace, Tribute,


  9. Carina says:

    Hej Kristian. Er det stadig muligt at købe Nothing but peace til download? På forhånd tak!
    Mvh Carina

    • Kristian says:

      Hej Carina.
      Det kan det godt. 🙂
      Hvis du overfører 79,- kr på mobile pay 61854480 eller bank Reg: 9135 Kontonr: 0000108537 sender jeg dig et link til download.
      Kh Kristian

  10. Kristian says:

    Dear Dilani.
    I am so happy to hear that you enjoy “Open heart”
    Here are the lyrics 🙂
    All the best.

    Open heart

    Tell me no lies
    and I´ll stay for a while
    I´ve wasted so much time
    – at least so it seems

    So there it is
    all my true beliefs
    my reason have fought them hard
    along the way

    I´ll go with my heart open
    I´ll go with my eyes shut
    I´ll go with my heart open
    to love you for good

    Tell me no lies
    and I´ll stay by your side
    nothing is ever wasted
    just leading here

    So here we are again
    just us and the world
    lets get love out of it
    while we are here

    Dreams will fade
    with too much sense
    dreams will fade away

    Dreams are alive
    to save our tears
    dreams won´t save our souls

    • Hilary Lee says:

      Thank you for sharing, this song deeply moved me.

    • Lise rostgaard Moestrup says:

      Kære Kristian
      Siden den nærende Yinyogastund med din stemme og musik som favnende guide, har jeg lyttet dine mantras .. 🙏🙏🌱Tak for her at finde teksten til Open Heart.
      Den sang og tekst åbnede sjælen.

  11. Jørgen Toft says:

    Kæreste Kristian
    Din musik er den smukkeste jeg i dette liv har hørt og følt. Din musik er den, jeg har hørt, når mit legeme og min urolige sjæl, har råbt om ro, stihed og eftertænksomhed.
    Din musik giver mig sjælsro, så mit legme bedre kan heale.
    Jeg takker fra mit dybste indre, for din gudsbenåde musik, der har givet mig meget mere, end disse fattige ord kan beskrive.Tror først , når vi en dag mødes, hinsides denne fysiske verden, du vil forstå min taknemmelighed.

    At hjertet tak du smukke sjæl. Må din vej blive belyst med stor visdom og kærlighed

  12. Ines Hannemann says:


    I Cant give it Info words
    Whats birthing while im hearing Your song
    Im Shanti bhagawan

    Deep Grace
    With Love from Berlin


  13. Heidi Neeto Andersen says:

    Tak til “Nothing But Peace” der støttende har holdt rummet for en fase af overgang i mig imod personlig frihed. Den “stemme” du Kristian har mod og tillid til at lade strømme igennem dig, møder og vækker den større dybde af sandhed i mig, – den vi alle ved er der, når vi roligt og nærværende “for lov” at lytte og sanse. Cd’en “gav mig lov” til denne ro imod frisættelse, og “Nothing But Peace” titlen kan ikke være smukkere og mere beskrevende. Tak. Heidi Neeto.

  14. Duarte says:

    Thank you for your music who uplift my soul.

    I use them in meditation alone and with other people.

    Please continue

    Om shanti and namaste for you
